Welcome to NOVA's Data Center

NOVA Argentina's Virtual Observatory: VO Software, Tools and Astronomical Information online.

This is public information and could be used by astronomy researchers, researchers of other fields, students and the general public.

Access to NOVA's Data Center

To access NOVA information online just select the [Use the service] or [Service information] icon of the Resource of interest or access using an Astronomical Software (recommended). Check out the section:
  • Catalogue of HI Parameters (CHIPA) [Service information] [Use the service]
    Information gathered from HIPASS, LVHIS, THINGS, VLA-ANGST, Little THINGS, FIGGS and WHISP. This is an extension for Martin, M. C Catalogue (1998). CHIPA was built to provide the most relevant parameters derived from the HI line emission and high resolution HI interferometer maps for galaxies published since 1953 until today. The new catalogue contains more about a hundred galaxies from both hemispheres including different morphological types.
  • D18 small galaxy systems center catalogue [Service information] [Use the service]
    Catalogue of small galaxy systems from SDSS-DR14
  • D18 small galaxy systems galaxies catalogue [Service information] [Use the service]
    Catalogue of small galaxy systems from SDSS-DR14
  • High-resolution optical spectra of HD165052 (Ferrero+, 2013) at NOVA [Service information] [Use the service]
    This is a set of high-resolution high-S/N optical spectra of the massive binary star HD 165 052 (O7Vz + O7.5Vz) taken between 2008 April and 2011 May with echelle spectrographs at CASLEO (mainly), LCO and ESO. Each one covers the spectral range 3700-6000 A with a resolution varying between ~13000 and ~45000 @ 5000A according to the instrument. Originally, the spectra were secured for radial velocity measurements. More details about observations, instrument configurations and reduction process can be found in documentation section.
  • NOVA Spectra Collection [Service information] [Use the service]
    This collection is comprised of spectra from many different researchers, observatories and instrumental configurations. Most of them were used in publications (bibcode indicated at column "Ref.").
  • Unveiling the circumstellar environment toward a massive young stellar object (Paron, Fariña, Ortega+, 2013, A&A, 559, L2) at NOVA [Service information] [Use the service]
    We discovered a cone shaped nebula that has an opening angle of about 90° and extends eastward of the IR source 2MASS J19142564+1109283, which is very likely a massive young stellar object (MYSO). This morphology suggests a cavity that was cleared in the circumstellar material, and its emission may arise from scattered continuum light, warm dust, and probably also from emission lines from shock-excited gas. The nebula, which presents arc-like features, is connected with the IR source through a jet-like structure, which is aligned with the blueshifted CO outflow found in a previous study.
  • VVV Survey Band Merged JHKs [Service information] [Use the service]
    Band merged JHKs catalogue for first epoch data from CASU v1.3. VVV DR1, corrected for header errors (Mike Irwin, Private Communication). Release of the Milky Way bulge and southern plane from the near-infrared ESO public survey VISTA variables in the Vía Láctea.
  • WR 35a: A new double-lined spectroscopic binary (Gamen+, 2014, A&A, 562, 13) at NOVA [Service information] [Use the service]
    Reduced spectra used in the paper entitled "WR 35a: A new double-lined spectroscopic binary", by R. Gamen et al. to appear in the A&A journal (2014).

Astronomy Software - Tools for access to NOVA


To access NOVA information online just select the [Use the service] or [Service information] icon of the Resource of interest in the Data Center Section below.


ADQL is the Astronomical Data Query Language, an extension of a subset of the Standard Query Language SQL. Its purpose is to give you a formal language to specify what data you are interested in.
Tables Available for ADQL Access NOVA using ADQL


The table access protocol (TAP) defines a service protocol for accessing general table data, including astronomical catalogs as well as general database tables. The result of a TAP query is another table, normally returned as a VOTable.
Tables Available Access NOVA using TAP Queries


TOPCAT is an interactive graphical viewer and editor for tabular data. Its aim is to provide most of the facilities that astronomers need for analysis and manipulation of source catalogues and other tables, though it can be used for non-astronomical data as well. It understands a number of different astronomically important formats (including FITS, VOTable and CDF) and more formats can be added.
Download TOPCAT

CDS Aladin

Aladin is an interactive software sky atlas allowing the user to visualize digitized astronomical images, superimpose entries from astronomical catalogues or databases. It has become a widely-used VO tool capable of addressing challenges such as locating data of interest, accessing and exploring distributed datasets, visualizing multi-wavelength data. Compliance with existing or emerging VO standards, interconnection with other visualisation or analysis tools, ability to easily compare heterogeneous data are key topics allowing Aladin to be a powerful data exploration and integration tool as well as a science enabler.
Download Aladin Sky Atlas


SPLAT - Spectral Analysis Tool is a graphical tool for displaying, comparing, modifying and analysing astronomical spectra stored in NDF, FITS and TEXT files as well as the new NDX format. SPLAT is now part of the STARJAVA collection. It can read in many spectra at the same time and then display these as line plots. Each display window, of which there can be many, can be used to view one or several spectra at the same time.
Download Splat-VO

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