Nuevo Observatorio Virtual Argentino

Service Name:

Catalogue of HI Parameters (CHIPA)


Information gathered from HIPASS, LVHIS, THINGS, VLA-ANGST, Little THINGS, FIGGS and WHISP. This is an extension for Martin, M. C Catalogue (1998). CHIPA was built to provide the most relevant parameters derived from the HI line emission and high resolution HI interferometer maps for galaxies published since 1953 until today. The new catalogue contains more about a hundred galaxies from both hemispheres including different morphological types.


Juliana Saponara
Instituto de Astrofísica de La Plata (IALP), Argentina

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The Catalogue of HI Parameters of galaxies (CHIPA) is an extension for Martin, M. C Catalogue (1998). CHIPA was built to provide the most relevant parameters derived from the HI line emission and high resolution HI interferometer maps for galaxies published since 1953 until today. The new catalogue contains 1437 galaxies from both hemispheres including different morphological types.

In this project, we present data on basic optical and HI properties of the galaxies, in particular optical diameter, blue magnitude, distance, morphological type, HI extension of the galaxy, velocity resolution, etc. Furthermore, it contains the HI distribution, velocity distribution and velocity dispersion maps.

The information was surveys and it is presented by a searchable database; fulfilling our goal of making bibliography research easier for astronomers . The database was built using mysql (sql, Structured Query Language), HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor).

Referencia: Saponara et al (BAAA, 2015, 57, 16) 2015BAAA...57...16S

Data Table Fields:

NameTable Head DescriptionUnitUCD
ra Ra J2000 deg pos.eq.ra;meta.main
dec Dec J2000 deg pos.eq.dec;meta.main
galaxy Galaxy Galaxy Name N/A meta.code
morph Morph Hubble Morphological Type N/A src.morph.type
optical_diam Optical_diam N/A deg phys.angSize;em.opt
mag Mag N/A mag phys.magAb;em.opt.B
dist Dist N/A Mpc dist
instrument Instrument N/A N/A instr
angular Angular Angular Resolution N/A N/A
spec_resolution Spec_resolution N/A km.s-1 spect.resolution
flux Flux N/A phot.flux.beam
hi_diam Hi_diam N/A arcmin phys.angSize;em.line.HI
mass Mass N/A solMass phys.mass;em.line.HI
inclination Inclination N/A deg phys;src;em.line.HI
mom0 Mom0 Images N/A obs.image
mom1 Mom1 Images N/A obs.image
perfil Perfil Images N/A obs.image
vsys Vsys N/A N/A sys.vel
catalog Catalog Source Catalog N/A meta.code
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